The most sought-after gadget of all times, Apple's all-new 3G iPhone had a dream launch. And as Apple braces for a rather low-key launch in India on Friday, the iconic device would have finally arrived in the country 41 days after its global debut, leaving many other worthy competitors far behind when it comes to boasting the looks and features.
By now, every aspiring wannabe iPhone buyer knows by heart what all the device offers. But few people who will be queuing up to buy one on Friday would know what an iPhone does not have. Let's face it, there are a host of things an iPhone cannot do.
In fact, iPhone even lacks support for many features found in most low-end cellphones currently available in the market. Topping the ?miss list? is no provision for video recording. And not to miss the glaring omission: iPhone does not allow copy and paste.
On the eve of iPhone's launch, here is a list compiled by our editors listing what makes the most popular Apple gadget not so hot for you.
Cannot record videos
Thought you would record that party video on your iPhone? Sorry, iPhone will disappoint you here. It has no video recording option. This is quite surprising since video recording feature is today found in most cellphones, even those at the lower end.
Also, next time when you plan a video-conference, don't depend on your expensive icon, of course.
There were speculations that Apple would go for a higher-resolution camera. However, 3G iPhone has disappointed as it has the same-2 megapixel (MP) camera. Flash and optical zoom are missing too.
Can't send MMS and forwards
This one is shocking! Of all things, one cannot simply forward a text message. Users can only send text messages or snapshots via email. Also, don't think of sending a SMS to multiple contacts as iPhone has no option for that either.
So no more bulk messages on Holi, Diwali, Christmas, New Year and the like! Did we hear the two operators cursing Apple for that loss of revenue opportunity!
Cannot cut, copy and paste!
No cut, copy-and-paste has already drawn much ire from iPhone's fans.
Imagine you cannot even select a line of text to delete it. And how bad can it be living without copy and paste option. Especially when you want to post a URL in your blog! How tedious it would be to jot it down, word by painful word.
Most of the smart phones available in the market support the cut and paste feature, but somehow Apple has preferred to stay away from it.
Cannot replace battery (on your own)
All ye heavy phone users, you cannot change an iPhone battery. You will have to send it to an Apple outlet for this. Imagine how troublesome it would be to live without your phone for 2-3days. And that is an optimistic estimate of the time that you may spend twiddling your thumbs!
Cannot sync with wireless modem
Seems Apple is walking on a different path here also. iPhone offers no support for wireless modem. You may pay heavy data charges to activate Internet on your iPhone, but you cannot connect it to your PC and browse when you are at home.
Cannot share files via Bluetooth
iPhone can't sync with Bluetooth stereo or in-car Bluetooth handsfree. It lacks A2DP on Bluetooth. A2DP audio devices, such as stereo Bluetooth headsets, offer high quality listening ability.
Besides, please do remember, unlike the true Push platform enjoyed by Blackberry, the iPhone email client does not work in true Push fashion, but is more of a "pull" mail.
Source: The Times of India
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