Love Parade Stampede Kills 19 at German Music Festival – 19 people were killed, and 80 were injured in a stampede at the Love Parade techno musical festival in Duisburg, Germany, according to official reports.
Rescue workers had to fight through crowds and compete for attention with music that continued to play throughout the incident. The rescue teams tried to clear the road, and shouted directions through loudspeakers but were ultimately unable to yell above the music that was playing.
The incident occurred when panic broke out in a crowd of people who were walking through a 600 meter-long tunnel that led towards the festival. Rescue workers could be seen trying to help victims who were injured in the stampede in the tunnel in the aftermath of the event.
Witnesses said that people had fallen in the crowd, and were incidentally trampled in the stampede. Injured and dead laid on the floor in the wake of the stampede.The incident will undoubtedly force the festival organizers to take an increased look at security to ensure that an incident like this one does not happen again.
“Considering all the security aspects, the crisis staff of the city decided not to immediately end the festival,” said Duisburg security official Wolfgang Rabe. He went on to say that the decision was made to avoid more panic.
A number of officials spoke about the incident, including German president Christian Wulff who said that the event was “dreadful.” It is not currently clear what may have caused the panic in the first place. The ensuing stampede caused 19 people to be killed, and 80 more to be injured as they were trampled in a tunnel.
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