Card 2.0 is the next the next advance technological step in personal banking sector. This will be a half credit card, half techie gadget> These cards are as latest as they are secure. You can have multiple accounts to the same card or completely hide certain digits of your card number with push button on the card. Buttons which are embedded in the card and are as thin as the card itself.
I surprised to know this from Dynamics on their website, the startup that makes the cards, won both the first prize and the people’s choice award at DEMO, the startup-centric conference held in Silicon Valley. We saw the company’s founders showing off their creations in the DEMO Pavilion, and we quickly pegged the product as one of the most interesting of this year’s DEMO startup crop.
Winning a startup competition is only a piece of the puzzle; we were more interested to know whether Dynamics and Card 2.0 were likely to be viable as a business and a product.
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