It is the remarkable attempt to try to weigh up all the various pieces of evidence there is for or against the existence of an omnipotent being. Searching through history, archaeology, etymology, philosophy, numerology, science, creation myths and much more, this author leaves no stone unturned and yet makes it easy for the reader to understand. But be warned, it is not a book for the scholar, it is written by a marketing man for the ordinary person to understand, even though it does ask some searching questions.
There will be no religious authority, no leader of the church that will be happy with this book, which the author claims takes away the mystery they try to create. On the other hand, there will be no scientist or believer in evolution who will come away unscathed. There is a lot of information in this book which is seriously lateral to current belief and current ideas - maybe we will all need to take another look at our ideas of who we are and where we came from.
However, there will be dissent. No religion on the planet is left unscarred and many have already attacked this opening up of sacred and secret teachings.
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